Safe Travelling in the Northern Territory for people who care about each other


This is my experience with safety while driving in the NT mainly around Darwin and Katherine. So-called Nothern territory is located in the so-called developed country Australia.

Sri Lanka is also not safe to Darwin, especially due to people who take driving as an enjoyment without considering the long-term negative impact on others if some incident happens.

However, professional drivers and Sri Lankans care about each other in every incident and will help. Further, they understand the need to slow down and go fast based on the context, especially based on the road condition and the condition of the vehicle.

This expectation is not valid for three wheels and Buses which are the direct influence of India on us. They are not worthy but India has influenced regulations over the past to purchase them. At my best, I try to avoid consuming the service of them.

However, I need to say that there is a huge gap between my expectations and what I observed during the touchdown to Darwin. I expect it to be a developed country (yes physically ), where people respect each other, respect the road rules and drive with great understanding.

It's sad to say that my expectations dropped as soon I noticed the drivers and pedestrians did not have a good understanding, going in a rat race, or were taking over the road rules.

When I did not have a vehicle and a migrant student in the beginning I was a walking person or a traveller in the bus. It is clear to see that people accelerate vehicles quite often without caring about road conditions, which can lead to the death of a person, especially in the suburbs. IIn Sri Lanka most of people care about road conditions for example, like the bend they will slow down. In NT big vehicles like lorry or buses does not care about it and they drive at there speed, same as the stronger take the rules. Similar to Animal Kingdom, so sad.

The takedown and the take up in the buses are much safe however, the schedule and timing of the bus is very poor, Its clearly can be seen that improving bus services has been suppressed by the private vehicle business to secure their business. Small governments, with public servants who want to secure the job, can clearly get to their agenda.

The bus experience in the evening is very unpleasant with drunken people. I haven't seen this in Sri Lanka at all, where drunken people disturb the rest of the passengers. It is regulated by the society itself. It's quite disturbing shouting. I have experienced people travelling to me due to looking at them when they are disturbed with the lighter in their hand, like going to burn me. Especially that day, the travel police were there to remove him. The poorer bus drivers changing rapidly cannot do much and people are reluctant to work as travel security because this drunken behaviour came irradiated. The people who introduced the drinks to the country want them to remain not only because they drink, but because they are serviced by this industry impacting health negatively.

People are reluctant to walk or cycle in NT due to unfriendly weather and others will take advantage of it. As a person who likes to walk for a change and health when and when commuting closely, I have had a number of negative experiences. Kids have knocked me by hand quoting I have disturbed the path of them while riding the bicycle in the footpath. Soom police appeared and they questioned and quoted and statements were taken. The regulators can not action the rules because of the influence of the Commonwealth to keep the problems in NT as well as to win the next election.

When I was forced by people to buy a vehicle (formed consumption), I observed how reckless drivers are. They are not drunken but driving so careless about the passengers and the other drivers to save time, can't believe it, I personally feel that they believe everyone needs to be rude on the road to be recognised as a territory person.

Lots of people do not care about priority to pedestrians, driving above the road at limited speed. The new drivers are touched by horning if they are taking extra care when they putting the vehicle to the road by the drivers behind. I have noticed lots of personal incidents where people are honing for taking extra care.

Driving in the night on Friday and Saturday is dangerous because I feel people want to take control of the road. And I have seen uncontrollable vehicles going when Red. It is because I have to deliver at night to earn some money to buy food and give tenet.

Driving outside the Darwin is ridiculous and unruled. Lot of deaths have been caused including innocent people. The speed limits are not enforced and people drive as they want, which is damage to a person who drives with due care. I had to drive because I wanted to have bath in natural pool. If i am in Sri Lanka its some thing very easy to address. However in Darwin, although lot of water steams are there, people can't use then because Corcadiels are more valuable then humans. It's sad. I am not promoting killing animals, however human need to survive and have some recreation.

The transport happening trough lengathy road trains are disturbing the other safe driver and lot of accidents has happen due to them. Pelase be mindful of having a dash camera when you are driving to prove such incidents.

These lightly vehicles drives in there low speed without going the space to other vehicles solving down in a place to be overtaken. Please be aware the road condition of NT is very poor, much poor than Sri Lanka.

Does not have light, Does not have a connection, lots of pits. With all the reckless drivers acting as a burden to the healthcare system. These large road trains are some times oversized and they act as a king of Animal Kingdom , where all others need to obey them rather than respect each other. Recently there was an incident a car crashed and killed all the people, which was directly linked to road train. Please note that the drivers of the road train will not suffer.

It can be clearly seen that these drivers of the road trains are suffering lot of mental issues due to very bad weather in NT and people have sympathy about them., Thye may do it poorly for money.

From all of there what I can infer is the so-called people in the northern territory do not react the empathy and compression. They clearly indicated something opposite should be adhered to by all the people visiting and living there.

I hope this will be quite helpful for someone planning to come there. I am writing it in October 2023 and I was there from March 2019.

