Fake Presentation — Media — Nothern Territory Part 1


The problems humans will face next decades are clearly due to fake education exaggerated for the sake of money. As a person who initiates a realistic alternative education through data.akamutu.org, it is a must to share my experience with the media exaggerated false education in Nothern Territory (NT) Australia in comparison to a primary degree I had in Sri Lanka.

Here the description is not valid for the people internally exploiting the education for migration. Education designed for international students in Australia NT is to exploit them for current human resources needs not to enlighten them based on skills and experience in a hand-in-hand approach for par with the world. Its clear expoiltaiton.

However, my primary degree studied cutting-edge developments in NLP, human-computer interaction and the Theory of Automata, with management and social aspects of IT to make a world-ready balanced person in 2012, which is beyond the standard.

My main intention of education in a foreign country was to gain exposure to areas that I could not be exposed to in my home Sri Lanka. The money-driven English media create a fancy non-realistic image of the world.

My wife’s profession is a demanded field regionally. As a person who is not self-centred, I do believe she should professionally practice continuously. We found the regional areas have opportunities for medical practices and assumed professionals are welcomed.

Unfortunately, I could not imagine these restricted areas are rigid for software professionals who try to make things systematic and innovative. As a developed country we think the people in the restricted areas seek talents not available there. The false image created by the media about the regional areas was a transparent barrier for people who come from an international context.

A person who is not born and bred in that country does not have background knowledge on how it actually operates, what the picture actually media (including social) accelerated. The decision to move to Nothern Territory to gain an education and experience was made based on the university ranking and the information from the biased people ( who are well adapted to the regional demand of non-innovative resistance to change). My intention was to overcome the barrier of learning sectors that are not developed in Sri Lanka (eg Health informatics )

My assumption was that Australia or the Nothern Territory is a place for allows the people coming to study to gain worldwide skills based on the payments made. (It is also something manipulated by media and rakings)

However, I should respect my motherland because, with all the resource limitations, we have the opportunity to develop a genetic mandatory system, with greater undemanding and people's willingness to help each other. Furthermore, there are good people, who want to support the progression of the system creation, and indirectly support us, however problem is money. For example, in MRI there are people willing to support it, but the people who exploit the system operates in the authoritative sector in both country, which does not allow for growing systems to improve quality and customer experience .

